+94 (076) 7711107,  +94 (011) 2667029, +94 (011) 2667163 Wijerama House, No 06, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka

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Vision is to be a centre of excellence in preparing and coaching health professionals and providing professional services on sexually transmissible infections, HIV medicine, sexual health and related prevention and programme sciences in the global society


Mission is to produce and maintain the workforce of professionals in the field of sexually transmissible infections, HIV medicine, sexual health and related prevention and programme sciences through academic programmes to ensure quality healthcare and professional services for all the beneficiaries


  • Excellence in education by providing high competent, innovative, and supportive faculty and staff
  • Produce life-long learners with independent learning skills (Self directed, reflective learners)
  • Evidence based and culturally sensitive decision making and leadership
  • Collaboration, partnership and inclusive approach
  • Upholding the right to health and right based approach in healthcare
  • Sexual and Gender equity and equality
  • Cultural sensitivity and competency in service provision
  • Integrity and accountability


Is to produce health professionals competent in providing professional services on sexually transmissible infections, HIV medicine, sexual health and related prevention and programme sciences in a context of interest


Sri Lanka College of Sexual Health and HIV Medicine (Sri Lanka CoSHH) is the academic and authoritative professional body in the field of sexually transmissible infections, HIV medicine, sexual health and related prevention and programme sciences in the country.

It was established in 1995 for professional and scientific development of the speciality of Venereology. The college is a recognised body in the Ministry of Health and Postgraduate Institute of Medicine (PGIM), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Members of the college serve in the Ministry of Health and private sector in Sri Lanka as well as other countries such as UK and Australia. Members facilitate the functions of the Board of Study in Venereology of the PGIM, which trains doctors for the Postgraduate Diploma in Venereology and the Doctor of Medicine in Venereology


  1. In collaboration with the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine (PGIM), University of Colombo and the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka, the College facilitate Board of Study (BoS) in Venereology for the award of Pg Diploma in Venereology and MD in Venereology
  2. Networking with regional and extra regional professional societies
  1. Promotion of E-learning
  2. Publication of “Sri Lanka Journal of Sexual Health and HIV Medicine”
  3. Promote and facilitate to attend short course training, symposiums, conferences at local, regional and extra-regional countries
  4. Award of research grants for selected individuals
  5. Planning and conduction of annual scientific sessions
  6. Planning and conduction of CPD sessions (guest lecturers, skills building sessions, workshops, Journal clubs etc.)
  7. Assistance for the portfolio development of members
  8. Facilitation for scoring CPD points for the award of national CPD certificate
  1. To be the main facilitator of postgraduate training in Pg Diploma in Venereology and MD in Venereology.
  2. To be the main advisor for decision making in the national strategic plan of the ministry of health
  1. Provide sexual health, HIV medicine, prevention and programme science services for the National STD/AIDS Control Programme of the Ministry of Health for the overall technical guidance of the curative and preventive aspects of sexually transmissible infections
  2. Provision of clinical care and prevention services in the public and private sector as well as in other countries such as UK and Australia
  3. Develop guidelines for the management of STI and HIV
  4. Provision of consultancy services for organizations within and outside country
  1. Maintenance of patient support fund for those who cannot afford essential healthcare


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Memberships of the college is open for all the eligible professionals under following categories of memberships

Every person desiring to be admitted as a member of the College under any category of membership shall apply for admission using the membership application form and the relevant proof documents (certified copies) to the secretary, Sri Lanka College of Venereologists. Each such application shall be considered by the Council and if acceptable such applicant shall be admitted as a member.